IQ Tour Nano is becoming the ball of champions
Monday, January 19, 2015
Bowling Trems - Full List
Address: Bowler’s starting
Alley: playing surface, made of
maple, pine or urethane boards; urethane lanes are becoming more popular
than wood
All the way: Finishing a game with
nothing but strikes.
Anchor: The last person to roll
in a team competition.
Angle: The direction in which
the ball travels when going into the 1-3 pocket, 1-2 for left hand bowlers.
Approach: Part of the lane from the
back of the ball return area to the foul line.
Armswing: The arc of the bowling
arm and hand from the first move toward the line until the delivery of the ball
over the line.
Baby ball: To throw too delicate or
release too carefully.
Back ends: The last 6 feet of the
Backup: A ball that falls to the
right for right-hand bowlers and left for left-hand bowlers.
Balk: To interfere or cause
another bowler to stop or not complete in their normal actions.
Ball rack: the rack used to store
house balls or where the ball return rests balls before a turn.
Ball return: Track between the lanes
the ball rolls on when being returned to the rack.
Balsa: A powerless hit on the
Bedposts: A 7-10 split.
Belly the ball: Increase the width of a
hook from an inside starting piont.
Bench work: Conversation or actions
meant to upset an opponent.
Bender: Hook or curve shot that
comes close to the channel before breaking into the pocket.
Big fill: Nine or ten pins on a
spare, or double on a strike.
Big five: Spare of three on one
side and two on the other.
Blind: Score allowed for an
absent member
Blow: A missed spare.
Blow a rack: A solid strike.
Blowout: Downing all the pins but
Box: A single frame. .
Break: A lucky shot.
Bucket: Four-pin diamond on the
sides or the center of the lane.
Buzzard: Three open frames in a
Carry: Ability of the ball to
knock down pins.
Chicken wing: When a bowler’s elbow
gets away from his body during a swing.
Choke: Failure to accomplish
Chop: Chopping the front pin of
a spare while a pin behind or to the left or right remains.
Clutch: A pressure situation.
Come up: Hook in the pocket caused
by a spin on the axis.
Conversion: Knocking down all the
pins that remain with your second ball.
Crawler: A strike made by missing
the head pin.
Curtain: missing in a final frame
when a spare would have won.
Curve: Ball that breaks from
right to left.
Cutter: A hook that slices the
pins down.
Deflection: The ball when it comes
into contact with pins and then angles away to the right or left.
Delivery: Preparation, Release and
Deuce: A 200 average.
Dive: A ball that hooks at the
last second.
Double: Two strikes in a row.
Double wood: when one pin is directly
behind the other.
Dump the ball: Releasing the ball
without bending of the knee.
Dutch 200: A 200 game scored
alternating strikes and spares.
Fence posts: A 7-10 split.
Fit split: A split where it is
possible for the ball to hit both pins.
Five-bagger: Five strikes in a row.
Flat ball: unproductive ball
Follow-through: The motion after release.
Foul: Touching or going beyond
the foul line.
Foul line: The mark that determines
the beginning of the lane.
Foundation: A strike in the ninth
Grab: The friction between the
lane and the ball.
Grandma¹s teeth: An array of pins left
Graveyards: Low score lanes.
Gutter: Drop offs about 10 inches
wide to the right and the left of the lane to guide the ball to the pit.
Gutter ball: A ball that goes into the
gutter. .
Half hit: Between a full and light
Handicap: Pins awarded to weak
players or teams in an attempt to even out the game.
Head pin: Front pin of a rack.
Higher: More to the left or
Home alley: Favorite lane for
individuals or a team.
Honey: A good ball.
Hook: A ball that breaks to the
left or right.
House ball: Bowling balls provided by
the alley.
Inside: A starting point near the
center of the lane.
Jam: Force the ball high
inside the pocket.
Kegler: A bowler.
Kickoff: Smooth ball delivery.
Kingpin: The headpin or the number
5 pin.
Kitty: Money from team members
for misses, and other set fines.
Late 10: When the 10 pin hesitates
and is the last to go down on a strike.
Leadoff man: First manto bowl in a
team game.
Light seven: A hit too light on either
side of the head pin.
Line: The path a bowling ball
Lofting: Throwing the ball onto
the lane rather than rolling it.
Logs: Very heavy pins, used for
Looper: An extra-wide hook ball.
Loose hit: A light pocket hit.
Love tap: A tap from a moving pin
which knocks it down.
Match play: A portion of a tournament
where bowlers are pitted against each other.
Messenger: A pin that comes across
the lane after all the others have fallen down.
Miss: A missed spare.
Mixer: A ball that causes pins
to bounce around.
Moat: A nickname for the
Move in: To start from the center
of the approach.
Move out: To start from a corner
position on the approach.
Nose hit: To hit the pins dead
On the nose: To hit to the headpin
dead center.
Open bowling: Nonleague plays for fun
or practice opposite league nights.
Out of bounds: Area on the lanes where a
ball won't make it to the pocket.
Outside: Corner position of
playing lanes.
Over-turn: To apply too much spin to
the ball.
Par: A game score of 200.
Pinching the ball: To grip the ball too
Pin deck: Area 60' from the foul
Pit: Space at end of lane
where ball and pins end up.
Pitch: Angle in which holes in
bowling ball are drilled.
Platform: The parts of the lane
from the very back of the ball return area up to the foul line.
Point Shot: Starting from the first
arrow and throwing over first arrow.
Position rounds: Parts of a league
schedule which call for teams.
Pot game: Competition in which two
bowlers place a stake.
Powerhouse: A strong ball that
Puddle: A gutter ball.
Railroad: A wide open split.
Rap: When a single pin remains
on a good hit.
Rat club: A team that shoots low
scores for one game.
Release: The hand motion as ball
is rolled onto a lane.
Reset: Resetting the pins.
Return: The track which balls
roll from pit to the rack.
Revolutions: The number of turns a
ball takes when rolling from release to pins.
Rotation: The spin to the ball at
the moment of delivery.
Runway: Starting area.
Sanctioned: Competition in accordance
with American Bowling Congress and Women¹s International Bowling Congress
Sandbagger: A bowler who keeps his
average down in order to receive a higher handicap.
Scenic route: The path taken by a sharp
curve ball.
Separation: The distance you allow
between your standing position and where you want the ball to go.
Shadow ball: A ball rolled in practice
without any pins set.
Shotgun: Rolling a ball from the
Sixpack: Six strikes in a row.
Slide: The last step of
Snow plow: A ball that clears all
the pins.
Spare: All pins knocked down
with two balls.
Spare leave: Pins standing after the
first ball is rolled.
Spiller: A light-hit strike.
Splasher: A strike where the pins
are knocked down quickly.
Splice: An area of lane where
maple and pine boards join.
Split: A spare leave in which
the headpin is down.
Spot bowling: Target on lane at which
the bowler can aim.
Steal: To get more pins than you
deserve on a strike.
Strike: All ten pins go down.
Strike out: To get all three strikes
in the tenth frame.
String: Three or more strikes in
a row.
Stroke: The arm and hand motion
during delivery over the foul line.
Sweepstakes: A bowling tournament.
Swiss cheese ball: A ball used in pro shops
to establish a bowler's finger size and span for drilling.
Tandem: Two pins one behind the
Tap: When a pin stays standing
on a perfect strike.
Team captain: A lead team member
responsible for all members being present, arranging a substitute, and
determining team lineup.
300 game: A perfect game of 12
strikes in a row.
Three quarter bucket: Three of the four pins of
the bucket.
Throwing rocks: Racking up strikes with multiple
speed balls.
Tickler: When the 6-pin gently
topples the 10-pin.
Track: Area most used on lane
Tripped 4: When the 2 pin takes out
the 4 pin.
Tumbler: A strike where the pins
appear to fall individually.
Turkey: Three strikes in a row.
Venting: Drilling a small hole
into a bowling ball to relieve suction on the thumb hole.
Wrist master: One of the many
accessories worn by bowlers to help keep a firm wrist during backswing.
X: Symbol for strike.
Yank shot: When a bowler hangs onto
the ball too long.
Zero in: Find the right strike
spot on a lane.
/: Symbol for a spare.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Japan Doesn't fit the Big Nasty Was Malott
Jason Belmonte shared a pic on his Instagram account of Wes Malott next to a door in Japan, as they are there for DHC Japan Invitational which will start in 2 days
Jason comment on the pic : "They don't make JAPAN big enough for the BIG NASTY :)"
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Mike Fagan Slow Motion Release
I came across this video on YouTube and thought I should share it with you
He makes it look easy
PBA World bowling Tour Schedule
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Brunswick Ballmaster Open
Friday, January 02, 2015 - Sunday, January 11, 2015 in Helsinki, Finland
Friday, January 02, 2015 - Sunday, January 11, 2015 in Helsinki, Finland
PBA International-World Bowling Tour H.H. Emir Cup
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 - Monday, March 02, 2015 in Doha, Qatar
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 - Monday, March 02, 2015 in Doha, Qatar
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Kingdom of Bahrain Open
Tuesday, March 03, 2015 - Monday, March 09, 2015 in Manama, Bahrain
Tuesday, March 03, 2015 - Monday, March 09, 2015 in Manama, Bahrain
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Kuwait Intl Open
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Saturday, March 14, 2015 in Kuwait City, Kuwait
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Saturday, March 14, 2015 in Kuwait City, Kuwait
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Brunswick Euro Challenge
Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Sunday, March 22, 2015 in Munich, Germany
Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Sunday, March 22, 2015 in Munich, Germany
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Men’s and Women’s Finals presented by PBA
Sunday, November 01, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV
Sunday, November 01, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV
PBA International-World Bowling Tour Qatar Open
Monday, November 23, 2015 - Sunday, November 29, 2015 in Doha, Qatar
Monday, November 23, 2015 - Sunday, November 29, 2015 in Doha, Qatar
PBA International-World Bowling Tour 9th Kingdom International Open
Monday, November 30, 2015 - Wednesday, December 16, 2015 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Monday, November 30, 2015 - Wednesday, December 16, 2015 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Technique: How To Pick Up Spares In Bowling
All of us want to Strike every time, but realistically that's not possible, so picking up Spares is is a essential part of getting high scores.
Most of Pro Bowlers use a plastic ball which will go straight (as you expect) every time to pick up spare, but using it is not a must, many bowlers use the same ball to pick up Spares, and in this post we'll be covering that.
the strategy is very easy, keep the same target and ball speed of your first shot and just simply change your starting position depending on what pins are left for you.
Now lets see what adjustments you need to make:
1- If you leave 1, 3,5 or 8 pin:
use the same starting postion as you first shot, you may have missed your traget the first time, but if you throw the ball as if you're trying to get a strike, you will surely pick up these pins.
2- If you leave 2 or 4 pin
move 4 boards to the right from your first shot starting position, aim at the same target and keep the same ball speed, the ball will hook earlier and you'll be able to pick up the spare.
3- If you leave 6 or 9 pin
move 4 boards to the left from your first shot starting position, aim at the same target and keep the same ball speed, the ball will hook later and you'll be able to pick up the spare.
4- If you leave the 7 pin
move 8 boards to the right of your first shot starting position and the ball will hook to the 7 pin, but if you feel uncomfortable moving 8 boards, you can move 5 boards and choose a target a little bit the left of your target.
5- If you leave the 10 pin
Move eight boards to your left. You might feel like you’re throwing directly at the gutter, but if you use a proper release and speed, the ball will hang on and knock down the 10 pin.
The information in this post is simple guide, but you’ll have to use common sense and experience to pick up more complicated spares.
Let's Blog about bowling :)
Bowling, the first ever social network as Storm company described it.
the game that brings people together.
I started this blog to write about many subjects related to Bowling
I'm a 24 years old Semi Pro bowler from Libya, Living in UAE and I'll be blogging regularly about everything I learn in Bowling, techniques, tips, bowling ball and many other subjects,
stay tunes
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